Our first night here we saw bats (not sure of the species) flying around at dusk right outside the back of our bungalow, lots of them! And they would fly very near us! What an experience! bats outside Lapa at dusk * * * Some nighttime views from our bungalow's observation deck... Off to bed... * * * At dawn, you could sit out on the observation deck and observe the bats finding their way back home. What an early morning treat! bats outside Lapa at dawn * * * Bosque del Cabo has (that I currently know of): White-Lined Sac-Winged Bats ( Saccopteryx bilineata / leptura ) in a cave on the Pacific beach (which I learned after our trip) Spix's Disk-Winged Bats ( Thyroptera tricolor ) - observed in rolled heliconia leaves Jamaican Fruit-Eating Bats ( Artibeus jamaicensis ) - observed pollinating the Guapinol or Stinky Toe Tree Tent-Making Bats ( Uroderma bilobatum ) - note: several bat species roost under leaf tents, including the Caribbean o...
a blog about nature, wildlife, travel, camping, and the outdoors, with special attention given to the ecologically important, often misunderstood, always cute bat!