I woke at 5:30. The surrounding forest was filled with fog, creating a magical atmosphere. Lots and lots of birds. Some of their songs sounded like cell phone rings - it was very odd.

We had coffee, read a bit, then went to breakfast. It was buffet-style - yummy, as was the jugo de mora, or blackberry juice.
Then we explored a bit. However, the trail near the restaurant was closed, so we didn't get too far.

But near our room we stumbled upon this! I don't even know what to classify it as! It was like a fuzzy something that looked like it was wearing a mask with spikes coming out of it, and it had the same long spikes on its posterior. I remember it as being about 2-3 inches in length. I'd love to know what this creature is!!! I wish my picture was in better focus. It was so strange!

At about 10am, we took the Terios around Lake Arenal to our next hotel, El Sapo Dorado, in Monteverde, also in the northern zone. (With the GPS, we could just put in the name of our hotel, and it would find it, no problem.)

Notice the men in the background working on the streetlight. With a step ladder on top of their truck!
The drive was more fun today for Nick. It was a different type of scenery. I don't know how, but in some places it was like a tropical version of Big Bend National Park in west Texas, maybe because of the remoteness. While it rained a lot at Arenal, it didn't rain a lot during the drive. The drive took about 3.25 hours.

Car in tow...
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